20–23 Sept 2023
Metropol Lake Resort, Ohrid
Europe/Skopje timezone

Physicochemical characteristics of scotta from different whey cheese types

Not scheduled
Metropol Lake Resort, Ohrid

Metropol Lake Resort, Ohrid

Poster presentation


Aleksandar Chadikovski (Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy - Skopje)


Whey is the yellow liquid byproduct obtained at cheese production. It is characterized by several commercial applications, mainly for whey cheese. In the dairy industry, the term „Scotta“ is used for the whey separated after whey cheese production. Because of its high availability and high-value compoundssuch as proteins, peptides, and lactose, scotta could be used in the food and pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, or as a raw material for biofuel and biodegradable polymers.1
This study aimed to determine the physicochemical parameters of the scotta obtained as a byproduct from the production of Macedonian whey cheese-Urda. The Urda was obtained from the whey of white brined cheese and Kashkaval production processes. The whey was treated with lactase enzyme before being processed into whey cheese. The physicochemical parameters: dry matter, fats, proteins, lactose, and pH were determined according to the AOAC methods.2
In the scotta samples, depending on the whey type, pH values ranged between 5.19 to 5.34, whilethe contents of dry matter, fats, proteins, and lactose from 4.524.84%, 0.010.12%, 0.390.48%, and 03.93%, respectively.The determined values of the physicochemical parameters highlight the possibility to use scotta in fermented beverages production or concentrated with membrane processes, it can be used as a raw material for spreads, yogurts, or other dairy products.
Keywords: Whey, whey cheese, scotta, physicochemical parameters.
1. Maragkoudakis, P., Vendramin, V., Bovo, B., Treu, L., Corich, V. and Giacomini, A. (2016). Potential use of scotta, the by-product of the ricotta cheese manufacturing process, for the production of fermented drinks. J. Dairy Res., 83, 104–108.
2. AOAC (2006): Official Methods of Analysis. 18th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists International, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.

Primary author

Aleksandar Chadikovski (Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy - Skopje)


Andrea Nagy (Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Nutrition Science, University of Debrecen) Dr Jana Klopcevska (Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy - Skopje) Dr Vesna Rafajlovska (Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy - Skopje)

Presentation materials